Luis Rubiales, Ex-Soccer Chief, to Be Tried in Spain for Unwanted Kiss

Luis Rubiales, Spain’s previous soccer boss, will stand preliminary on a count of rape for snatching the head of Jennifer Hermoso, a headliner, and effectively kissing her on the mouth at the Ladies’ Reality Cup decoration service in August.

The choice on Wednesday night by Spain’s Public Court came after an appointed authority closed in January that Mr. Rubiales ought to be considered to be responsible for the kiss, which the adjudicator said “was nonconsensual” and inside the limits of the “closeness of sexual relations.”

Public examiners and Ms. Hermoso’s legal counselors are looking for a sum of more than two years of jail time for Mr. Rubiales: one year for the rape charge and 18 extra months for an intimidation charge. Mr. Rubiales is blamed for compelling Ms. Hermoso to show support for him after the kiss.

Three other previous soccer authorities, including Jorge Vilda, the previous ladies’ group’s mentor, are likewise blamed for pressure. They could each have to carry out a year and a half in jail.

The affirmation that Mr. Rubiales will confront a count of rape is the most recent improvement in a high-profile case that has upset soccer in Spain and filled a public retribution about sexism and power uneven characters.

Mr. Rubiales at first opposed calls to leave as leader of the Imperial Spanish Football League and as a VP of UEFA, European soccer’s overseeing body, yet he ventured down after a court gave a limiting request against him. FIFA, soccer’s administering body, banished him from the game for quite a long time.

Mr. Rubiales was momentarily captured in April as a component of a colossal examination concerning debasement and tax evasion connected to taking Spain’s Super Cup competition to Saudi Arabia. He is likewise being scrutinized on charges of employing analysts to keep an eye on the top of Spain’s players’ association; abusing league assets to pay for individual costs; and facilitating a sex get-together, paid for with organization assets, in Granada in 2020 — all claims that arose after true grumblings were made to examiners.

Mr. Rubiales has denied any bad behavior.

The court set his bail at 65,000 euros (about $70,000) on the rape charge and another €65,000 to be posted mutually with the three other previous authorities who are likewise blamed for pressure.

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