WestJet Encore pilots file 72-hour strike notice

Pilots at WestJet’s provincial transporter could be taking to the streets toward the start of June.

The Carrier Pilots Affiliation said Wednesday evening that WestJet Reprise pilots have given a 72-hour strike notice to the board and the public authority.

The association said some headway has been made following fourteen days of dealing following the pilots’ dismissal of a provisional understanding, however, the sides stay separated on major questions.

“Following eight months of arranging, and a fizzled [tentative agreement], tragically the board has not perceived the pilots’ necessities,” Carin Kenny, who heads the association’s WestJet Reprise contingent, said in an explanation.

“We have communicated to the executives that we will work with them to additional location the issues that stay for our pilots.”

Kenny has said its laborers are among the most minimally paid provincial pilots in Canada.

WestJet said in an explanation Wednesday that the provisional understanding dismissed before this month would have made them probably the most generously compensated.

In the interim, the carrier gave a development lockout notice to the association, saying a work stoppage could happen as soon as 6 p.m. mountain time on Saturday assuming no arrangement is reached.

“The choice to give notice was not made gently, and we truly apologize for the vulnerability this foundation for our visitors and the Western Canadian locales that depend on WestJet Reprise administration,” Diederik Pen, leader of WestJet Aircrafts, said in the proclamation. “We are confident that visitor disturbance can in any case be forestalled.”

The Carrier Pilots Affiliation addresses 355 Reprise pilots, who toward the beginning of April supported a strike order.

It said at the time that individuals cast a ballot 97 percent in favor after agreement talks around pay, timetables, and professional movement reached a “close to stop.”


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